Pharmacies help prevent and combat osteoporosis in women and men

by time news

2024-02-12 12:55:39

Contrary to what many people may think, the osteoporosis It is a disease that affects both women and men. Of course, the incidence in them is lower. Statistics indicate that one in two women over 50 years old You will suffer a fracture in a bone due to osteoporosis. This proportion is considerably reduced in them: only one in five men There is a risk of breaking a bone once you are over fifty.

Among the factors that reduce the risk of suffering from it are the usual measures, which also serve as prevention for other pathologies: maintain a healthy dietrich in calcium and vitamin D; practice physical exercise regularlyaccording to the health conditions of each person; No Smoking; avoid excessive alcohol consumption, etc. However, there are times when, even if these previous measures are followed, osteoporosis inevitably develops.

Las people with family history They have more possibilities of being able to develop it. They are also more at risk of suffering from it postmenopausal women. The loss of menstruation, which is a natural process in women of more or less middle age or older, represents a decrease in the estrogen productioncharacteristically feminine hormones whose lower production affects the fragility of the bone, the living tissue of which begins to stop renewing itself rapidly after the age of 35.

Today, to diagnose this disease, painless tests. The recognition is done with the help of the X-rays, that allow us to specify the bone density of the person. Regarding medication, several options are considered. Hormone therapy or laboratory medications Like the ones of These are two of the available possibilities.

Medications to combat osteoporosis

There are medicines that can be purchased in authorized establishments, such as Armer Pharmacyfor improve bone density and prevent the development of osteoporosis:

  • Bisphosphonates: This group of medications strengthens bones. He alendronate and the risedronato There are two examples of bisphosphonates present in medications such as: Fosamax y Actonel. The latter, for example, decreases bone resorption (removal of bone-forming tissue) caused by osteoclasts (the cells that are responsible for degrading said tissue).
  • Denosumab: This medication, administered semiannually, helps prevent osteoporosis. It is also included in pharmaceutical products that use it in other contexts: for increase bone mass in cancer patients breast or prostate, for tumor treatment large ones that affect the bone and cannot be removed by surgery…
  • Calcium and vitamin D supplements: Both are necessary to keep bones well nourished and strong. Vitamin D, in particular, facilitates calcium absorptionwhich is the mineral that is mainly stored in bones (teeth included) and that gives them their characteristic rigidity.
  • Hormonal Therapy (TH): The medications included here allow strengthen bones in postmenopausal womenthus raising the estrogen levels naturally present in the person’s body.

Is it possible to lead a normal life despite osteoporosis?

Las people with osteoporosisdepending on the level of severity, they can have quality of life if they take care of factors such as those mentioned above (healthy diet, physical activity…) and, if they also reinforce these measures with appropriate medications or hormonal treatments to strengthen bone tissue.

So that the bone health does not look more resentful, and even improves, the amount of calcium that should be ingested could be taken into account, depending on the age range. Knowing these values ​​can be very useful both for patients who already have osteoporosis and for those who want to prevent it.

Calcium levels by age

The University of Navarra Clinic (Spain) indicates that the recommended doses, by age group, are:

  • 360 mg for babies from 0 to 6 months.
  • 540 mg for babies from 6 to 12 months.
  • 800 mg for children between 1 and 10 years old.
  • 1200 mgr for adolescents and young people between 10 and 24 years old.
  • 800 mg for adults.
  • From 1200 to 1400 mg calcium for pregnant women.
  • Between 1200 and 1400 mg during the breastfeeding period.
  • And, finally, between 1200 and 1600 mgr of calcium for seniors.

We observed the contrast that exists between babies (360 mgr), adolescents and young people between 10 and 24 years old (1200 mgr) and elderly people (1200-1600 mgr). It is the latter who need the most calcium (with the exception of pregnant and lactating women, whose levels are quite equal).

This comparison allows us to corroborate what has been discussed throughout the article: calcium is essential in the bone formation, especially in the age groups in which the body needs more calcium. These periods coincide with the stages of more development and growth (especially in adolescence), and with the stage of advanced adulthood/old age, when bone deterioration is more noticeable.

#Pharmacies #prevent #combat #osteoporosis #women #men

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