Pilsen: Soldier Karel Sankot (36) was almost beaten to death, he is in a wheelchair

by time news

2023-05-16 05:00:00

After the terrible crash, Karel was able to get back on his feet, return to work and his hobbies. But another blow came in 2018. “After the English exam, Karel went to a restaurant with his brother and his girlfriend for dinner. He had a lot of plans and hopes, the evening passed quickly, and as they were about to leave, a couple of guests at the next table were nudging each other.” Karl’s mother Zuzana Sankotová remembers the fateful evening for Blesk.

For warning the loader

On the way around their table, Karel reprimanded them verbally and was about to leave, when he was attacked from behind by another member of the group who was standing nearby. “He knocked him to the ground with two blows to the back of the head, and immediately got on top of him and continued to beat him on the head,” says Mrs. Sankotová, saying that her son’s lifeless body was given to the rapist.

Not even his brother helped the young man, the thugs also beat and kicked him. “The rest of the group, including the girls, watched calmly and then left together without any attempt to intervene or help. Only then did they manage to call the police and the emergency services,” explains Karl’s mother.

Live thanks to the devices

Karel Sankot ended up with a punctured skull and brain swelling in the hospital, where he underwent several hours of surgery. “The first report from the hospital was: the patient is physiologically dead and only supported by machines. Back then, we always said goodbye when leaving the limp body,” describes the difficult moments of Zuzana Sankotová.

Martin worked as a roofer, one step became fatal for him.

After weeks of artificial sleep and several surgeries, the young man woke up. Paralyzed, in diapers, dependent on feeding. “We spent whole days in the hospital, reading, telling stories, massaging. After four months in the hospital and an initial three-month rehabilitation, he returned home, despite the order of the primary care lady was 24-hour care.” describes Zuzana Sankotová.

From a loving mother, she suddenly became a caregiver and guardian, who had to make all the decisions for her adult son. Thanks to her care and Karl’s own efforts, today the young man walks and eats with help, but he still does not read, write, speak and his understanding is not 100%. He was left paralyzed on his right side, but through exercise he managed to move one leg at least a little. Unfortunately, post-traumatic epilepsy also manifested itself, which sometimes ruins hard-earned successes.

Lenka from Ostrava fell ill with ovarian cancer.  He looks to the future with great apprehension.

The attacker is free, Karel is in a wheelchair

Karl’s next journey to »ordinary life« will be a long one “Neurorehabilitative movement and speech therapy stays for adults are off the charts of insurance companies. That is why we are forced to solve them through collections and with the help of foundations. A monthly stay costs 190,000 crowns with the necessary accompaniment. He also goes to neurorehabilitation exercises twice a week, which help him maintain the mobility he has gained for the time being. It is very financially demanding for our family, so we would like to raise funds for the stay and part of the exercise.” describes Mrs. Zuzana, who literally fights like a lioness for her son and has founded to help collection on the charity platform Donio.

The convicted attacker received a sentence and should compensate Karel financially, but while he is already free after half of his sentence and has paid a total of 1,180 crowns over five years, it is Karel who has to undergo regular rehabilitation for the rest of his life in order to be able to walk a few meters . Learning to write again, to read, or just to say what he needs.” concludes Zuzana Sankotová.

Marie Chválová wrote the book Honý a me, a story of love about her life with her beloved man.

Essential first aid measures Videohub

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