Podcast: Have We Had Enough Comic Bookworms? Half of Nerdopolis will answer!

by time news

2023-12-02 07:00:00

The Blesku Podcast guest was Libor Pokorný alias Libo-Wan already in the past, when we discussed the world of nerds and the joint project of two guys, Libor and Jan Vít, Nerdopolis, which just entertains nerds and brings, in addition to entertainment, information, podcasts and interviews about the world of sci- fi and fantasy. And we invite you to it too. Especially if you’re a fan of comic book movies, of which there were a fair amount of them in cinemas this year as well. Flash, Spider-Man: Across Parallel Worlds, another Ant-Man and Shazam!, the conclusion of Guardians of the Galaxy or perhaps Blue Beetlethe Marvels are still hot in theaters, the series Echo is coming to Disney Plus…

Spider-Man: Across Parallel Worlds (2023): Miles Morales, now Spider-Man’s full-time good neighbor in Brooklyn, reunites with Gwen, taking her on a wild ride through the Multiverse…

Autor: Falcon

But before we start evaluating this year, let’s look further, to the turn of the millennium. What was it like before the arrival of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, i.e. the media franchise with the superheroes of the Marvel Comics publishing house? “We associate this comic film era with, for example, Superman with Christopher Reeve, maybe with the nineties – with Tim Burton’s Batman. Gradually up to Spider-Man (2002), which at the time was the first movie ever in cinemas to earn more than 100 million dollars in the first weekend at the American box office, and it looked like it could be a kind of dawn for this genre,” Libor recalledwhen the comic craze began.

But according to him, the real boom, the moment when producers realized they had something on their hands that was profitable, came with Iron Man in 2008. “He set that path and that formula that could be replicated. Marvel built their entire story line around it, which actually continues to this day, and in some way DC studio tried to imitate it,” says Libor. This year’s films did not succeed despite great expectations, the creators ran out of breath, the audience got bored. With exceptions, such as it is Spider-Man: Across Parallel Worlds. “It’s a beautiful example of the fact that the topic can still be done differently. In a different way than the cinematic Marvel or DC shows. There is a greater use of comic means, the animated form of course offers wider possibilities…”

After many years, another and of its kind the only Czech breakthrough this year was the Voyo series called Vedma about the age-old fight between good and evil, light and darkness. “In general, it’s good that Voyo produced the project. Fantasy is a demanding genre, in terms of budget, tricks… Now the fairy tale Princess Cursed in Time is playing with heroic fantasy. The Witch bypassed me, but I would like to support the creator and send a message to Voy: Don’t hate the genre, continue to look for interesting fantasy topics.” The speech also came on the September anniversary of the 50th anniversary of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s death, when readers have seen and will see several newly published books. His legacy is still alive among Czech nerds, do they read The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit…? “I would even say that his legacy is revered almost fanatically. Tolkien is probably one of the few authorities among nerds who has an almost deified essence,” says Libor.

When a nerd interviews a nerd… Blesk editor Ivan D. Hladík (right) wore a t-shirt with a Potter Hogwarts motif, guest Libor Pokorný with Tealc from Stargate.

Author: Blesk – Michal Protivanský

We also managed to discuss next year, which promises premieres of other pieces. The third Deadpool, Thunderbolts, Captain America: The New World will come, then the new Avengers sequels will probably start to be realized. It is expected that the details of the preparations for the serial version of Harry Potter will be revealed. And again, a series of festivals not only for nerds will begin. What will it all be like? And will we return fully to cinemas, or will we remain loyal to living rooms? “I wish we nerds would get more experiences that would make us really cheer for what we got. At the same time, let everyone keep an open mind, let them give space to the piece before they start to form an opinion. The moment it is on the table, the thing on TV, in book form, then there is room for legitimate criticism,” Libor Pokorný, Libo-Wan, also said.

What else was heard? – Do adaptations of book hits make sense? Isn’t it overcomicized? Or: Where was Gondor when the Western Hordes fell? We discuss in the new episode of the Blesku Podcast.

Blesk Podcast: Have we had enough comic book villains? Do we still want to go to the cinema? Half of Nerdopolis answers!

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