Podcast “Saúde sem fake” brings quality information monthly

by time news

2023-07-21 21:59:33

Do you want to stay up to date, have access to reliable news and fight the spread of fake news? This is the proposal of podcast “Health without fake”a tool created to disseminate real news, bring clarifications and combat fake news circulating on the internet.

Episodes are available monthly on Spotifybeing produced based on scientific research and reliable sources, addressing the most diverse topics related to health, bringing clear, accurate and free information from false interpretations.

The podcast, an extension project of the Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Unilab), linked to Pibeac and coordinated by the audiovisual technician and Secom coordinator, Vinícius Alves, also aims to develop a critical sense in relation to the information we find daily, providing real news and guiding the listener to differentiate facts from rumours. “We also want to provide true and easy-to-understand content so that you can make true and well-informed decisions about your health and share true information with your friends and family”, says the project coordinator.

In the most recent episode, the human brain is approached, its most important characteristics and the recent researches that lead us to know new aspects of the brain.

sign up to receive notifications about new episodes and follow the monthly posts.

#Podcast #Saúde #sem #fake #brings #quality #information #monthly

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