Pope Francis receives Lula da Silva at the Vatican

by time news

2023-06-21 14:59:48

During the private audience, the president of Brazil seeks to discuss with Bergoglio his mediation plan for Ukraine.

The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, arrived at the Vatican on Wednesday to hold a private audience with Pope Francis and discuss, among other things, the fight against hunger and war in Ukraine.

The president arrived at the Vatican accompanied by the Brazilian first lady, Rosângela “Janja” da Silva, in a procession of about fifteen official cars which crossed the Via de la Conciliación in Rome and Saint Peter’s Square and entered the Papal State through the Puerta de las Campanas.

The meeting with the pope will take place in his office in the Paul VI Hall, near his residence, Casa Santa Marta, and he was received at its doors by the head of the Papal Household, Leonardo Sapienza.

Francisco, who in the past wrote to Lula when he was imprisoned, meets with Lula a few days later of get discharged after his operation hernia abdominal.

The war in Ukraine

Lula Da Silva wants to discuss issues such as the fight against hunger with the Argentine pontiff and inform him of his proposals to end the war in Ukraine, an issue that greatly worries the pope.

After the meeting, he will also meet with Venezuelan Cardinal Edgar Peña Parrasubstitute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, since the secretary Pietro Parolin is away from Rome on a trip.

Previously Lula was received by his Italian counterpart, Sergio Mattarella, in the Roman Quirinal Palace, headquarters of the Headquarters of State.

Lula was received by his Italian counterpart, Sergio Mattarella, in the Roman Quirinal Palace. Photo: EFE

On the afternoon of this Wednesday, Lula will also meet with the prime minister, the ultra-derechist Giorgia Meloni, with which he will meet at 5:00 p.m. local time (at 12 in Argentina) in the Roman Palacio Chigi, the seat of the Italian Executive.

And then with the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, an old friend who visited him in 2018 when the current Brazilian president was imprisoned due to corruption trials later annulled by the Justice.

The Brazilian president is scheduled to hold a press conference in Rome on Thursday morning before flying to Paris, where he will participate in the “Summit for a new global financial pact” called by his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron.

On the morning of this Wednesday, he also met with the new leader of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, head of the opposition, and last night with his friend, the sociologist Domenico De Masi.


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