Pope Francis said he is “much better” from his bronchitis, but he still gets tired if he talks too much

by time news

2023-12-06 17:04:36

The Pope assured this Wednesday that he feels “much better” from the inflammation he suffers from in his lungs. This was conveyed to the public present at the general audience on December 6, where he also explained that he gets tired if he talks too much.

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As has been customary in recent days, he has entrusted the reading of the catechesis of the general audience in the Paul VI Hall, the first of the Advent season, to Filippo Ciampanelli.

In the text, he highlighted the gift of the Holy Spirit which, as he stated, “must animate all apostolic zeal.” “Without the Holy Spirit all zeal is vain and falsely apostolic: it would be ours alone and would bear no fruit. […] The Spirit is the protagonist, he always precedes the missionaries and makes the fruits sprout,” he said in his speech.

And he added that, “this awareness comforts us a lot! And it helps us to specify another, equally decisive: that is, that in its apostolic zeal the Church does not announce itself, but rather a grace, a gift, and the Holy Spirit is precisely the Gift of God, as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman,” he noted.

However, in his message he stressed that this recognition, however, cannot be reconciled with an attitude of laziness and indolence on the part of man, but, as he added, one must cooperate in a “conscious, adult, brave and dynamic” way. .

The Pope also highlighted the importance of creativity for the proclamation of the Gospel and has admitted that this time “does not help to have a religious vision of life.”

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“Perhaps we take refuge in zones of safety, such as the habitual repetition of things that are always done, or in the tempting calls of an intimate spirituality, or even in a poorly understood feeling of the centrality of the liturgy. They are temptations that are disguised as fidelity to tradition, but often, more than responses to the Spirit, they are reactions to personal dissatisfactions,” Francisco explained.

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