“Population grown 10 times in twenty years” – time.news

by time news

The environmental NGO launches the “symbolic adoption” of endangered species for Christmas

In 2002, only 94 were left. Now the iberian lynx
(Lynx pardinus), the rarest feline on the planet, is back and its population is increased tenfold passing to 1,111 today, of which 239 are females of reproductive age (compared to 27 in 2002). A return welcomed with joy by Wwf which, on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, «seeks allies with the countryside “At Christmas put your heart into it” to ensure that each of us, through the symbolic adoption of an endangered species, can concretely support the conservation projects of the environmental association.

But what were the main reasons that endangered the Iberian lynx? Since the beginning of the last century, the WWF continues, «the progressive reduction of wild rabbits, which make up 90% of the lynx’s diet, the direct persecution of man and the habitat destruction and fragmentation, consequent to the urban expansion, they have caused a drastic decrease of the population of the species ». After the first signs of recovery, since 2006 a new ambitious action has been implemented with the reproduction in captivity and the subsequent reintroduction of some lynxes in Andalusia.

But, warns the NGO, the Iberian lynx it’s not out of danger. According to estimates by various experts, the number of lynxes should reach 3,000 – 3,500 individuals, including about 750 females of reproductive age, to be considered in a favorable conservation status. A challenge that a few decades ago seemed impossible, but that today it can be won.

December 11, 2021 (change December 28, 2021 | 22:16)

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