Poroshenko left Ukraine after trying to hand him a summons in the Medvedchuk case

by time news

Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko left the country after they tried to serve him a summons in the case of coal supplies from Donbass. His party “European Solidarity” explained this by a pre-planned diplomatic tour to Turkey and Poland.

The party wrote on Facebook that Mr. Poroshenko will hold a number of meetings in Turkey, including with Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. According to the “European Solidarity” version, the ex-president agreed on this meeting during a telephone conversation on December 15. In Poland, he will take part in an international conference on the topic “Russia-Ukraine-NATO”.

According to Strana.ua, Mr. Poroshenko bought a plane ticket to Istanbul at 19:13 – 15 minutes after the information appeared in the media about plans to hand him a summons. The publication claims that they plan to bring charges against the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada.

The attempt to serve the summons to the ex-president was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation. It published a video in which Mr. Poroshenko leaves from law enforcement officials. The matter concerns the purchase of coal from Donbass. The person involved in this case is the head of the political council of the Opposition Platform – For Life party Viktor Medvedchuk. He does not admit guilt.

Read more about the accusations in the Kommersant article “Viktor Medvedchuk is being driven into coal.”


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