Presidential campaign on TV: Macron and Le Pen absent, BFMTV cancels its March 23 program

by time news

“An election night was scheduled on BFM on March 23. It has just been canceled because two candidates important refuse to be there. The rules speaking time and their acceptance by the media therefore allow these candidates to prevent others from speaking. The scandal continues. It was through this tweet, posted this Wednesday afternoon, that Philippe Poutou expressed his anger. According to our information, the NPA candidate mentioned without mentioning Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. He thus judges that the debates are distorted by the refusal of the Head of State to confront his opponents directly before the first round of the presidential election.

On the side of the entourage of the tenant of the Élysée, we are content to specify that he has “commitments elsewhere” on March 23, incompatible with his participation in a television program.

After the withdrawal of the outgoing president was recorded, Marine Le Pen immediately canceled her visit to BFMTV. On the side of the chain, we confirm that this evening, in this context, is no longer necessary. “In this last straight line before the first round and the strict rules of the speaking times of the candidates, BFMTV prefers to imagine other types of devices to question the candidates about their programs”, she specifies in a press release.

Emmanuel Macron however opened the ball, Monday, March 7, by agreeing to sit down “Face aux Françaises”, the political program of LCI in partnership with the newspaper Elle. On March 14, during the first major “presidential” evening offered by TF1, he intervened on the set of “La France face à la guerre” which brought together the eight main candidates. If he chose to distill his appearances, “it nevertheless seems difficult to imagine that he will ignore public service”, commented in the corridors of the news channels continuously.

His entourage is keeping the suspense on a possible participation of the president in “Élysée 2022”, on March 31, presented by Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier. The France 2 political program team has already announced that all the candidates will speak one after the other that evening but “is not sure that Emmanuel Macron will be present” .

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