Presidential: Emmanuel Macron absent from “Élysée 2022”

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Sunday, the management of France Televisions still hoped, even if it was badly started… End of the suspense, this Monday. According to our information, Emmanuel Macron said no to “Élysée 2022”, the major political program of France 2 embodied by Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier. The Head of State will therefore be the only presidential candidate not to go there. He was however expected this Tuesday in the first part of the evening, just like Valérie Pécresse, Anne Hidalgo, Éric Zemmour, Yannick Jadot and Philippe Poutou. It was the last chance for the Two to have him on set, to discuss his personality, the results of his campaign and his ambitions for the next five years if he were re-elected.

Official reason: a calendar problem. “We made choices, as we did not do BFM or CNews, for example”, tells us his entourage. His staff also ensures that there is “no problem with France 2, nor with the public service”. Ten days ago, he answered questions from Francis Letellier, in “Sunday in politics”, on France 3. And he went the same week to the set of “Overseas 2022”, the presidential meeting from Overseas The 1st.

He will participate in the 20 hours of TF1 but not that of France 2

To compensate for its great absence, the “Élysée 2022” team had imagined calling on a representative of La République en Marche, like Gabriel Attal, the government spokesperson. But this plan B did not please its competitors at all. However, it is impossible to completely ignore the speech of Emmanuel Macron, for questions of balance of speaking time. The program therefore opted for another solution: to broadcast images of its meeting at La Défense Arena on Sunday.

Last week, six other contenders for the Élysée took turns on the set of “Élysée 2022”: Marine Le Pen, Nathalie Arthaud, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Jean Lassalle. This evening before the first round brought together nearly 1.9 million citizens, or 10.7% of the public according to Médiamétrie. Emmanuel Macron should also dry the “20 hours” of France 2, while all candidates are invited. On the other hand, he will be on the set of that of TF 1 this Wednesday, facing Gilles Bouleau.

A program around Macron during the between-two-rounds

In an open letter, the Society of Journalists of France 2 asks this question: “Mr. Macron, why do you refuse the invitations from France 2? “And to continue:” We regret it, and our viewers too. The SDJ then underlines that “for months, France 2 has been the only general-interest channel to devote so much time to the debate, proposals and analysis of this presidential campaign” through the news, the “8:22 p.m.” meeting. , “Élysée 2022” or even “The 4 truths” and “Télématin”. The letter finally mentions Emmanuel Macron’s project to “remove the fee, and therefore to deprive public broadcasting of its main means of subsistence and independence”.

At France 2, some put forward elements of response. “Several issues of the magazine Further investigation about policies displeased Macron, a public service executive believes. His relatives have already reported the information. Not enough to discourage the management of information. Depending on the results of the first round, La Deux is planning a special program around Emmanuel Macron, a week before the debate between the two rounds, scheduled for Wednesday April 20.

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