Prime Minister Netanyahu discusses Houthi aggression and worker immigration with Indian Prime Minister Modi

by time news

2023-12-19 15:19:31
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the ongoing Houthi aggression, which has been linked to Iran. The conversation between the two leaders focused on the escalating situation and the potential impact it could have on global shipping.

According to, Netanyahu and Modi discussed the threat posed by the Houthi rebels, particularly in regard to their potential to disrupt shipping lanes. The leaders also discussed the possibility of bringing in workers from India to replace Arab workers from Gaza in response to the ongoing conflict.

The conversation comes as India faces a dilemma over how to address the potential closure of shipping lanes by the Houthi rebels. According to a report by IOS News 0404, the Indian government is preparing for potential disruptions to their shipping routes should the Houthis follow through on their threats.

GlobeSantaniho reported that Netanyahu and Modi discussed the need for international cooperation to address the threat posed by the Houthis. Both leaders emphasized the importance of finding a diplomatic solution to the ongoing conflict in order to prevent further escalation.

The conversation between Netanyahu and Modi highlights the growing concern over the impact of the Houthi aggression on global trade and shipping routes. As the situation continues to unfold, it is clear that international cooperation and diplomatic efforts will be crucial in addressing the threat posed by the Houthi rebels.
#Prime #Minister #Netanyahu #spoke #Indian #Prime #Minister #Narendra #Modi

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