Prince Harry claims his mother will be “heartbroken” by William’s betrayal

by time news

Prince Harry reveals new details about his fractured relationships with his father King Charles III, and his brother Prince William, and how his hope for “reconciliation” led him to speak out. Harry said he believes the British press continues to try to “drive a wedge” between him and William

Prince Harry, who has been on an interview blitz in recent days, said his late mother, Princess Diana, would be “heartbroken” by the way his thug brother, Prince William, betrayed him. “I think she’ll be sad,” Harry told Michael Strahan on the show “good morning america” When asked how his mother would have felt about the breakdown of his once close relationship with his brother. “I think she’ll be heartbroken that it got to where it did,” he said.

Harry said he believes the British press continues to try to “drive a wedge” between him and William, but hopes he can reconcile with his brother. Harry said he “certainly takes some of the responsibility for the breakdown” of his relationship with William. But he added, “What people don’t know is the efforts I went to to resolve this privately, both with my brother and with my father.”

He said his mother was pained to see the 40-year-old heir to the throne and William allowing his PR people to endlessly damage Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, with leaks to the media.

“I think she would be saddened by the fact that William – his office – was part of these stories,” he said of the press he blames for forcing him to flee his family and homeland.

“William and I made an alliance, we made an agreement, that no matter what, we would never let the offices fight against each other,” he said, answering “yes” when asked if he felt his brother violated that agreement. “The people he employed violated that treaty.”

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