Princely tomb of a warrior buried next to his horse found in Romania

by time news

In a section of the future A7 motorway in Romania, a princely tomb of a warrior that he was buried next to his horse, with a varied inventory of weapons and ornaments, some of them made of gold, as announced by the national road infrastructure company CNAIR. The discovery is estimated to date from between the 4th and 10th centuries AD

“The tomb amazes with its diverse and rich inventory, from painstakingly crafted and decorated weapons to pieces of gold jewelry for both the deceased and the horse with which he was buried,” CNAIR said in its Facebook post.

Detail of one of the ornaments found in the tomb


Specialists from the ‘Vasile Pârvan’ Institute of Archeology in Bucharest carry out the archaeological research. The burial inventory, as well as the bones, have been collected and are currently in the institute’s laboratory to be cleaned, preserved and restored. Afterwards, they will also be shown to the public.

Archaeologists were limited in their investigations into the A7 Ploiești-Buzău motorway infrastructure project because some parts of the route were not expropriatedwhich caused the impossibility of accessing the entire terrain, explained CNAIR.

“Even in this situation, in lot 1 of the aforementioned project, in approximately 14 of the 21 km, the intrusive archaeological diagnosis could be carried out during the feasibility study phase, identifying four archaeological sites“, the company said, adding that four other sites were subsequently found. Archaeological research at one of these sites led to the discovery of the princely tomb.

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