Protect Yourself This Summer: The Best Mosquito Repellents According to Scientists

by time news

Title: “Experts at New Mexico State University Recommend Effective Mosquito Repellents to Stay Safe This Summer”

Subtitle: Protecting yourself from mosquito-borne diseases and annoying bites

Date: [Current Date]

Summer is in full swing, and with it comes the emergence of mosquitos across the United States. These pesky insects not only leave itchy bites but also pose a serious health risk by transmitting harmful pathogens. In order to protect both your health and sanity this summer, experts at New Mexico State University have provided valuable insights on the use of mosquito repellents.

Immo A. Hansen, an associate professor of biology, and Hailey A. Luker, a doctoral student in biology, have studied various types of mosquito repellents and their efficacy for over a decade. The team has conducted scientific laboratory experiments and field tests to determine the most effective repellents.

Mosquitoes bite people to acquire necessary nutrients for egg production. One blood meal can lead to the hatching of approximately 100 mosquito larvae. To avoid getting bitten, experts recommend wearing long, loose clothing, limiting outdoor exposure, placing screens over windows, and eliminating standing water where mosquitoes breed.

However, one of the best ways to protect yourself when going to mosquito-infested areas is by using mosquito repellents. The team at New Mexico State University has ranked the most effective repellents based on their research and analysis:

1. DEET: Developed by the U.S. Army in the 1950s, DEET is a well-established mosquito repellent with a long history of use. The higher the percentage, the longer the protection time, up to six hours.

2. Picaridin: This synthetic repellent offers protection for up to six hours at a 20% concentration. It is considered a promising alternative to DEET.

3. Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE): OLE, with the active ingredient PMD, is a plant-based alternative to DEET and Picaridin. Its repellent properties can also last for up to six hours.

While essential oils can be effective, the team found that some work better than others. Clove oil, cinnamon oil, geraniol, and 2-PEP showed varying degrees of effectiveness against mosquito bites.

On the other hand, bracelets, ultrasonic repellent devices, and dietary supplements such as vitamin B and garlic were found to be ineffective in repelling mosquitoes.

It is important to note that high concentrations of essential oils can cause skin irritations. Therefore, experts recommend reapplying repellents as needed and using DEET-based products in regions with a high risk of vector-borne disease transmission.

As the summer progresses, protecting yourself from mosquito bites and potential diseases becomes crucial. By following these recommendations from the experts at New Mexico State University, you can enjoy a safe and mosquito-free summer.

This news article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

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