Protests across France over Nahel’s death

by time news

2023-06-29 09:49:33 – 150 people were arrested last night in France during protests and clashes following the killing of 17-year-old Nahel by police in Nanterre, in the Parisian banlieue. Interior Minister Gèrald Darmanin communicated it.

In the sole jurisdiction of the prefecture of Paris (the capital and the three departments of the inner suburbs), 77 people were arrested during last night’s violent protests. Nahel, age 17 was killed in Nanterre from one Police officer because he refused to show documents.

The number of arrests is more than double the 31 carried out across France of the previous night, a sign that the riots have worsened and that the reaction of the forces of order has been more intense. The authorities hope to contain the fury that has flared up in the banlieues thanks to the developments of the investigations and a white march to be held today in Nanterre after a crescendo of urban violence not only in the Parisian suburbs but also in Lyon, Toulouse, Dijon, Nice, Roubaix, Amiens, Lille.

Police deployed in France

Police sources reported that several cars were set on fire, but also shops, with some cases of looting and damage to public buildings.

At Clamart a tram was burned, while a Fresnes the guard post at the entrance to the prison complex was attacked with paper bombs.


Protests in France

Videos of the attack show about twenty hooded youths throwing several projectiles with pyrotechnic mortars at the guardhouse at the entrance to the area comprising gives access to the residences of the guards, the pre-trial detention centre, the women’s pre-trial detention center and the prison hospital.

The intervention of police forces prevented the access of the rioters inside the prison.

Macron: “Violence against institutions is unjustifiable”

The “scenes of violence” seen in the past few hours directed against “the institutions and the Republic” are “unjustifiable” according to the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron. After the new night of clashes in numerous suburbs and cities of France, following the killing of the very young Nahel, the head of the Elysée spoke at the meeting of the interministerial crisis unit underway at the Interior Ministry.

Macron he hoped that in the next few hours we will dedicate ourselves to the “recollection and respect” on the occasion of the “white march” asked by the boy’s mother, she asked “obviously for the protection of all institutional places” and said that the crisis unit must “organize the next few days so that complete calm returns”.

#Protests #France #Nahels #death

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