protests from Tunisia against Netflix-

by time news

2023-12-11 13:35:42

of Entertainment Editorial Staff

The discussion reaches Parliament: «There is the risk of a historical fake, Tunisian identity must be defended»

Protests are coming from Tunisia over a new Netflix series on the story of Hannibal, in which the Carthaginian general will be played by Denzel Washington, considered by some to be “too old and too black”: giving him the role would constitute a historical falsehood because Hannibal was “a white Semitic », denounced La Presse de Tunisie, a Tunisian newspaper, later also starting an online petition asking the streaming giant to «cancel its pseudo-documentary».

Netflix, “spokesman of woke culture and Afrocentrism, does not hesitate to falsify the historical data of North African countries”, writes the newspaper in an article entitled “Who will defend Hannibal?”. The controversy reached parliament, with MP Yassine Mami questioning Culture Minister Hayet Ketat Guermazi on the Netflix project, which should start in 2024: «We have no information on the content. There is a risk of falsification of history. The ministry should take a position on the matter,” Mami said, explaining that it is a matter of “defending Tunisian identity.”

According to the minister, Netflix’s project «is fiction» and is «their right»: «Hannibal is a historical character, even if we are all proud that he is Tunisian. What could we do?”. His hope is rather that the series will open up opportunities for his country: «What matters to me is that they can also shoot scenes in Tunisia. We want Tunisia to return to being a filming location for foreign films.”

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December 11, 2023 (changed December 11, 2023 | 12:35)

#protests #Tunisia #Netflix

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