PSG star Hakimi calls for help after earthquake in Morocco

by time news

2023-09-09 15:36:17

Football star Achraf Hakimi from Paris Saint Germain called for solidarity after the devastating earthquake in his home country of Morocco and expressed his condolences to the victims. “We are experiencing a difficult moment for our compatriots. It is time to help each other to save as many lives as possible,” the Moroccan international wrote on Instagram on Saturday. A qualifying game between the fourth-placed team in the World Cup against Liberia was canceled.

The earthquake killed hundreds of people in Morocco on Saturday night and caused severe damage. “My condolences go out to all those who have lost someone they love,” said 24-year-old Hakimi. Other national players also spoke up on Instagram and called for support.

Bayern Munich professional Noussair Mazraoui shared photos and a video of the quake on social media and wrote: “Pray for Morocco.” The country’s football association also expressed its deepest condolences to those affected. The game in the Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers against Liberia in Agadir planned for the evening was canceled. It should be rescheduled at a later date.

#PSG #star #Hakimi #calls #earthquake #Morocco

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