Radio France no longer wants to leave denunciations of an anonymous account on X unanswered

by time news

2023-12-05 22:06:11

The last diving attacks will have been too much. After months spent reading the criticisms of the @medias_citoyens account on X without reacting, Radio France decided to retaliate. In a series of messages published on the social network on Tuesday, December 5, in the early evening, the management of the radio group dismantles point by point recent assertions, made by anonymous detractors hidden behind this account, which it considers to be false.

“No, Ali Baddou did not open the interview by saying “Your words are rare in the media, we are delighted to receive you and to be able to hear you””begins the first long post devoted to dismantling the criticisms made about from the interview with Jean-Luc Mélenchon broadcast during the France Inter morning show on Saturday December 2.

Coverage of Dupond-Moretti’s acquittal

“No, the reaction of the Anticor association was not the only one relayed by Franceinfocontinues Radio France regarding the treatment reserved on November 29 by its antenna to the acquittal of Eric Dupond-Moretti, the Minister of Justice, who was tried by the Court of Justice of the Republic for illegal taking of interest. This is a partial presentation of the coverage of the information in question. » The account @medias_citoyens thought they detected “dismay and anger” in the cover of this court decision by the “left-wing media”.

Already on December 2, the mediator of Radio France, Emmanuelle Daviet, had devoted her column to « critiques » published on ” social networks “ on this subject. The deputy editorial director of the all-news station, Florent Guyotat, endeavored to demonstrate that the plurality of reactions had been respected, contrary to what @medias_citoyens suggested.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After his acquittal, Eric Dupond-Moretti criticized by the opposition and reinforced in the government

Since its appearance last March, @medias_citoyens presents itself as a “citizen collective for honest, ethical and non-populist media”. Several times per day, the account publishes posts denouncing articles, broadcasts, or journalists which, according to its analysis, lack neutrality or impartiality. The world, Release, Agence France-Presse, the program “Quotidien” (TMC), etc. are regularly mocked when public broadcasting constitutes an ultra-privileged target. “In the last three months alone, Médias Citoyens has published seventy-three posts targeting Radio France or one of its branches”announces public radio in one of its own messages.

“Destabilization business”

You have 55% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.

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