Rafah operation – Israel to hold video meeting with US – 2024-04-01 13:51:19

by times news cr

2024-04-01 13:51:19

Israel and the United States are planning to hold a conference via secure video link to discuss the prospects for an IDF ground operation in Rafah and alternative options proposed by President Joe Biden’s administration.

This was reported by the news portal Walla.

The situation in Rafah has become the subject of political disputes between the Israeli government and the White House administration. The American side has expressed concerns about the possible consequences of a ground operation in this area, where more than a million Palestinian Arabs live.

They warn of the potential for widespread loss of life and a worsening humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. The participation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s close ally Ron Dermer, who has repeatedly expressed a strong recommendation to organize a delegation to Washington, is expected.

The presence of the head of the National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi, is also expected from Israel. American participants expected to include White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, as well as other senior officials and generals.

During the videoconference, it is planned to attempt to bring Israeli and American positions closer together on the Rafah issue, without resorting to sending an Israeli delegation to Washington. As you know, Netanyahu canceled the trip of the Israeli delegation to Washington in protest against the fact that the Americans did not use their veto power to block the anti-Israel decision of the UN Security Council.

Earlier, Cursor wrote that the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Charles Brown, said that Washington did not provide Israel with all the requested military assistance. His statement refers to standard practice in the provision of military aid.

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