Ransomware Group Prefers Direct Targeting Despite Vulnerabilities

by time news

2024-02-06 05:44:00

The group does not use the Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) model that is considered a popular trend, instead it prefers to target the victims themselves to win the most ransom money directly. This also reflects the confidence of the group members in their professional abilities.
Despite all this, it turns out that even Play’s game can be beaten sometimes, because even the best and most senior hackers make mistakes or fall short.

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So before you consider paying the attackers, you should get to know the weak points theirs and what can be done to defend yourself. Cyberark Labs researchers have found a bug in Fly’s malicious code that causes it to crash while trying to encrypt the victim’s network folders. Ari Novick, a researcher at the Cyberark laboratory explains the process: “To encrypt network folders, the victim enumerates the network in order to find all the network folders accessible to her.”
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