Rapid Intervention for Treating Severe Depression and Self-Harm: Insights by Mental Health Consultant

by time news

2023-09-08 20:00:00
Title: Rapid Intervention Required to Treat Severe Depression and Self-Harm, Mental Health Consultant Urges

By Nahir Abdel Nabi
Friday, September 08, 2023 09:00 PM

As the pressures of daily life, study, and work continue to mount, many individuals find themselves battling severe depression and extreme sadness. In some cases, this distress can lead to self-harm. To address this critical issue, mental health consultant Dr. Jamal Farweez emphasizes the need for swift intervention to save psychiatric patients and help them recover quickly.

Dr. Farweez highlights the existence of a “Protocol for Treating a Person Who Is Trying to Harm Himself” in all mental health hospitals. This protocol is specifically designed to provide immediate care for individuals suffering from severe depression or attempting self-harm.

Explaining the conditions for treatment, Dr. Farweez stated that the designated treatment room must be devoid of any means of psychological harm, such as electricity, wires, or sharp instruments. Additionally, depending on the patient’s gender, a nurse of the corresponding gender must be assigned to closely monitor the patient round the clock.

In some cases, electroencephalography sessions may be required, but only after receiving approval from the Supreme Council for Mental Health. Dr. Farweez further emphasized how adolescence is the period with the highest rates of self-harm attempts worldwide, as young people struggling with nerves and pressure find it difficult to cope and often resort to self-harm as a way to alleviate their distress.

Moreover, certain psychological problems increase the risk of self-harm, including emotional depression, auditory hallucinations, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dr. Farweez advises individuals to look out for loved ones who may be suffering from depression, stress, tension, or other psychological problems. It is crucial to offer support, help them seek treatment, and encourage them to visit a psychiatrist.

As mental health continues to be a pressing issue, the importance of rapid intervention and comprehensive treatment cannot be understated. By prioritizing the well-being of individuals struggling with severe depression and self-harm tendencies, we can help them find recovery and regain control over their lives.]
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