Raw material versus manufacturing

by time news

2023-07-03 23:50:46

In our country, unlike in others, there is no great popular tradition in roast the game. Perhaps not so much in large restaurants or in the classic royal feasts, but the common thing is that, with some honorable exceptions, in any town with a hunting tradition, the stew or stew is not left out, at most, a marinade.

It is possible that this tradition comes from the misconception that game meat is strong and tough, and that it requires long cooking to digest it. I have heard this many times and I have to say that this lie is not true.

The roast is surely, without underestimating other options, the most authentic way, in addition to the more ancient, for cooking game and, for those who subscribe to this, with which you can get the most out of a noble cut. In addition, as for its preparation, the thing does not have much mystery.

I’m not very dogmatic with recipes, what’s more, I don’t think I’ve ever prepared two identical dishes, but there are certain ingredients which, one day more and another day less depending on how the pantry is, I usually use when roasting in the oven, as a stir-fry garlic and onionsomething sweet -generally jam-, plenty of olive oil, a generous splash of vinegar, mustard, wine -which, like Asunción, I don’t care what color it is-, pepper, ginger, juniper, bay leaf, thyme or others herbs to taste…

Wild boar roast with some of its ABC ingredients

I put it all in a big jar and shake it like Chicote. A piece of the ham of a wild boar or a deer, or the whole leg of a roe deer, in a clay dish baked together with a dressing of the style is simply delicious. It is important clean well the piece of meat and, above all, that it is well done on the outside and little on the inside, for which the temperature must be high. Let it rest and cut finite fillets against the grain to add the hot sauce on top, past or not, and that’s it.

Another way of roasting is on the grill. Nails dove breasts or a large game loin cut into thick pieces are also ‘gourmet’ delicacies: strong fire and, likewise, red inside. To finish, remove the pan from the heat and deglaze with a little wine and jam or with soy, vinegar or, if there is no more, with water from the source, salt… and eat. As I say, I also don’t disdain other ways of cooking and other types of meat that can be unexpectedly tasty.

the anecdote

Many years ago, at a time when I was quite dedicated to photography, I accompanied Rafael Gonzalezprofessor of kitchen masters, to photograph his dishes after the courses he taught professionals in the mythical Salvador gazebo de Moralzarzal, to publish the recipes in the magazine ‘Trofeo’ and in books that he published. After classes, we ate in the kitchen and chatted about hunting and gastronomy.

One day Rafael maintained that, although the raw material is important, the elaboration it is no less. In line with this statement, he told us the case of a posh Italian chef, a friend of his, whom he invited to Spain every year to taste what he said was his favorite dish: stewed pigeons with onion and honey. I don’t think Rafael ever revealed the truth to him, and I don’t know if that recipe would have continued to seem so wonderful to the Italian, had he known that those delicious ‘sparrows’ they were actually magpies.

I had the chance to try them one day and the complete recipe appeared years later in one of his books: ‘Wild kitchen’, edited by La Trébere. In it he gave some practical details for those who dared to do it, such as that the birds should be chickens of the year, June or July. and that it was convenient to marinate them in vinegar. The recipe appeared with an affectionate dedication: “To my friend Pablo Capote, who eats everything.”

#Raw #material #manufacturing

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