Read quickly. ‘Mor Mong’ shares 23 experiences with ‘O Micron’.

by time news

After, on March 9, 2022, Dr. Maung, MD. Rangsarit Kanchanavanich, a professor of cardiologists Cardiologist Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Chiang Mai University Has posted through his personal Facebook page Rungsrit Kanjanavanit informing the news that he was infected with covid-19 During the quarantine, “Mor Maung” has posted periodic updates. So far it’s been 14 days, now it’s healed. and posted a message Share your experiences, symptoms, and how to take care of yourself during home isolation.

Save the doctor as covid

1. No matter how many injections you have, you can stick with it. No matter how strict disciplined you are, you can stick with it.

2. I always wear a mask. but likes to move the mask often with his hand is its own weakness

3. Glad to get mRNA booster x2. Light installment.

4. I’m 57 years old. I don’t have any underlying disease. but cut the thymus White blood cells may not be very good. Stimulating mRNA is needed. It helps reduce the risk of severe symptoms.

5. Don’t think that “Omicron” is a sparrow. Let’s get it together. It’s not fun to be infected with covids. it sucks a lot heavier than the flu

Fortunately, this wave of covid has made home isolation a treatment option. This if it was last year Had to go to hospital in the field for 14 days, it wouldn’t be much fun.

It is also a wave that reduces the severity of the infection. And we’ve got the vaccine, the systems are well laid out. Most importantly, covid is already there. Social stigma is more or less socially stigmatized, but it’s much lower than before.

Fortunately, it’s a wave after Timeline, so it doesn’t have to be dug around. It’s exciting)

7. HI system, Suan Dok Hospital (Faculty of Medicine, CMU) is convenient and fast (I don’t know if it’s because it’s an officer or not), but it’s hard to hear from many friends at HI elsewhere. Especially now, the system is overflowing and sick people overflow.

8. He sent me Favipiravir, Favipiravir. I thought for a long time if it was okay to take. Because the clinical data is quite small, the benefit is unclear, especially with “Omicron”, but decided to eat it because he saw that it was almost a risk group.

9. Personally, there are no side effects from Favipiravir, except for the horror of the number of pills that need to be taken on the first day, take 9 tablets, 2 meals, total 18 tablets, see the number of pills. like a drug addict kills himself

10. I want to say that whoever doesn’t get “Favipiravir” don’t be sad, I think it’s not necessary. Don’t give it too much importance.

11. Almost decided to use the monoclonal antibody Sotrovimab because it was a treatment that have the most information But the drug is lacking in the whole country. Infectious disease teacher can find it. The last of Chiang Mai (And the country?), but in the end decided not to because besides being expensive It’s so small Give it to the people who need it It’s actually a better risk group than us.

12. HI system has coupons to order food delivery, but not used because friends, students, students brought things until they couldn’t eat them. Thermometer, oxygen meter. and various relief medicines were provided. Considering that in Thailand, we take very good care of the sick here. But I don’t know if it’s like this everywhere?

13. Symptoms have already been reported as a graph. It starts with a sore throat, cough, runny nose, odorless nose, low fever, fatigue, aches and pains, the most severe symptoms on the 2nd day and gradually gets better.

14. Try many cough medicines, but almost no other medicines, drink water, lemon juice, ginger juice, and lots of fruit.

15. Trying to come out of the room to get sunlight in the morning and evening. Believe that it is important for both physical and mental health. Lots of free time, but not much work. because the brain does not run sleep alone

16. When you can’t smell it, try to do olfactory training to restore your smell by constantly looking for something to smell.

17. ATK negative from day 7 (not tested daily), day 10 before leaving quarantine, test negative again to be sure.

18. Detained for 10 days. Haven’t played with the wife closely. Hurry up to go out of the city. Take a forest bath. Let nature heal the body and mind. Want to exchange good microorganisms to live in the body to create balance.

19. Leave the bedroom that is detained. Open the door and window for 2 days. The housewife comes to wipe and clean the sheets, blankets, wash and dry in the sun. (Housewife just recovered from covid So they should have good immunity) Sink, toilet water, wipe with Haiter liquid.

20. It’s been 2 weeks today. Still tired easily. I don’t know if it’s long COVID or not, but it’s gradually getting better every day, little by little.

21. On the 12th day, go to work, work, still have a cough, some itching in the throat, even though there is no phlegm, when coughing, I know that the co-workers are still distrusted, so I try to stay away from coughing lightly.

22 Today is 14 days. Hug the child, hug the wife.

23. Tomorrow, the thermometer and oxygen probe will be returned. He will continue to use it with others.

Thank you taxpayers kindness from friends Especially the love from people close to you that makes sickness infected with covids. It’s not too difficult, thank you very much.

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