Real estate in Seine-et-Marne: prices are resisting the crisis… for now

by time news

2023-10-13 05:37:01

“Seine-et-Marne is putting up resistance! » This is how Delphine Herman, director of external relations and cross-functional projects at Guy Hoquet l’Immobilier, summarizes the departmental situation. Resistance because, unlike what is happening in the rest of Île-de-France, the price of houses and apartments has continued to increase in recent months. According to her statistics, Delphine Herman has observed an average price increase of 1.8% in the department over the past year. But the professional is quick to nuance: “Seine-et-Marne stands out regarding the number of new properties put up for sale with a decline of -2.7% in one year (compared to + 3.7% for the whole of the greater suburbs) and a measured increase in prices compared to the previous period. »

#Real #estate #SeineetMarne #prices #resisting #crisis

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