Reform of the procurement code, green light of the Senate with 197 yes and 24 against. Stop the reductions on labor and safety costs

by time news

Simplification of rules and procedures, stop to the award criterion of maximum discount which tends to affect labor and safety costs, an obligation revision of prices by the contracting authorities “upon the occurrence of events or objective situations of particular relevance and not foreseeable at the time the offer is formulated”, enhancement of smes. These are some of the points included in the delegation law for the reform of the procurement code – second stage after the bridge decree passed last spring – before arriving in the classroom at Senatewhich on Wednesday gave the green light to the text with 197 votes in favor, 24 against and 2 abstentions. The measure is now being examined by the Chamber.

In the public works commission, the government and the majority found a compromise on requests for changes from different parties, paving the way for one of the three reforms that the government has committed to implement in the first half of 2022 based on the roadmap of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. As for the drafting of the implementing decrees by the State Councilchallenged by the M5s, the provision has not been removed but the obligation (and no longer the faculty) is introduced to make use of judges of the Tar, external experts, lawyers and representatives of theState Attorney General, free of charge.

“Satisfied” for the approval by the Deputy Minister for Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Teresa Bellanova, who followed the process in commission on behalf of the government. Simplification must be implemented not only in the phases of assignment and execution but also in those of planning, programming and design “to ensure standardized and virtuous practices capable of having a real impact on the current regulatory framework and above all on the speeding up of implementation processes, gaining quality, effectiveness and transparency, ”he said. In awarding public tenders and concession contracts, compliance with the criteria must be “guaranteed energy and environmental responsibility“And the possibility of making” discounts on labor and safety costs during the offer “will be” excluded “, providing for” the application of the same economic and regulatory safeguards for all workers “employed in the works,” including those of the subcontractors“.

As for another of the crucial reforms for the executive, bilateral meetings between the government and political forces on the fiscal delegation in the chamber of the Finance Committee of the Chamber. At 11 a meeting with the M5Sat 11.45 with the Leagueat 12.30 with the Pdat 13.15 with Ivat 14 with Courage Italyat 14.30 with Leu and at 15 with the Mixed. On Friday at 8.30 the bilateral meeting with Forza Italia is scheduled. Tuesday night on the revision of the land registry opposed by the center-right, the government was again saved by a single vote. The premier Mario Draghi during the Question time in the Chamber he recalled that the reform “aims to achieve a updated mapping of the properties in Italy, which we do not need to raise taxes but to understand the real estate balance sheet. The mapping will flank, not replace, for each real estate unit the cadastral income and the relative asset value. Thus it is explicitly excluded that the mapping could produce an increase in taxes, direct and indirect taxes on transfers, on the Imu. Incidentally, the introduction of the ICI, the IMU, the abolition of the ICI, the introduction of the TASI, the abolition of the TASI have always been done on non-existent values, which make no sense, 33 years ago – said the premier -. So this procedure of applying fixed coefficients on meaningless values ​​to produce numbers that don’t make sense must end, we want transparency ”.

A new meeting between the majority and the government will also be held on Thursday to address some aspects of the law on competition, under consideration by the Senate. The meeting, which will be held at Palazzo Chigi, is the first in a series of “thematic” meetings and should focus on hydroelectric concessions and on local public services.

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