Republican presidential candidates Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley face off in tense debate ahead of Iowa caucuses

by time news

**Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis spar in tense Iowa debate ahead of caucuses**

In a showdown that saw fiery rhetoric and pointed barbs, Republican presidential hopefuls Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis faced off in a high-stakes debate just days before the Iowa caucuses.

The debate, held at Drake University in Des Moines and hosted by CNN, saw the dueling candidates take shots at each other in an effort to gain momentum in the race for the party’s 2024 nomination.

Despite their battle, notably absent from the debate was former President Donald Trump, the frontrunner in the polls, who chose instead to hold a Fox News town hall event just miles away. His absence became a contentious point of discussion during the debate.

With the Iowa caucuses serving as the initial battleground in the state-by-state competition to determine who will challenge President Joe Biden in November, both DeSantis and Haley are vying for a strong second-place finish to re-energize their campaigns.

During the debate, the contentious exchanges between the candidates offered insight into several key issues, including their direct attacks, their criticism of the former president’s record, and their conflicting stances on immigration.

The absence of Trump, whose event was just three miles away, didn’t deter DeSantis and Haley from vocally criticizing his handling of issues, including the pandemic, border security, and relations with China.

The debate also highlighted a deep divide in the party over US foreign policy, with Ukraine becoming a flashpoint of contention between the candidates.

While DeSantis garnered more cheers from the audience, Haley claimed victory and received a loud cheer when she condemned the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot. Both candidates now turn their focus to the New Hampshire primary, where they are expected to continue their battle for the nomination.

However, Trump’s continued support and strong reaction from his supporters demonstrates the challenge ahead for DeSantis and Haley in tempting Iowa voters away from the former president before the critical caucuses on Monday.

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