Revealing study details how and why baby memories are forgotten

by time news

2024-03-20 12:15:28

Throughout our lives many questions arise. But surely there is one that most of us agree on: Why don’t we remember anything from when we were babies? Perhaps many claim that they do remember that noble era, but a study published in the magazine ‘Science’ denies this. Researchers point out that it is most likely that these memories were implanted by seeing photos or hearing family stories. They become consolidated in the brain, making them seem like memories like a recent vacation.

This study indicates that people do not remember anything before the age of 3. Children’s memory capacity does not fully mature until they are seven years old. “At the moment when the brain learns at a rate that it will never show again throughout life, those memories do not seem to stay in the brain,” says neuroscientist Flavio Donato of the University of Basel.

Apparently, according to work published in the prestigious scientific journal, the brain can actually create memories before the age of 3, although perhaps in a different way than adult memories, and those memories can persist into adulthood. But we cannot consciously access them.

To find out how this natural process works in which we remember nothing from when we were babies, researchers study young children in a laboratory to perform memory tests and manipulate the rodents’ memories with modern tools such as optogenetics, which can selectively activate the neurons that encode a particular memory.

Experiments that can find the key

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development are quite optimistic that these experiments could be the key to understanding how early memories are forgotten and how flashes of those early memories could shape our later lives.

The goal is to discover when the developing brain activates the ability to form accessible long-term memories. “It’s really difficult to move forward to ask other questions if we don’t know exactly when it happens,” says scientist Sarah Power.

The first data indicate that it is activated around 20 months. Children that age who learned to associate a toy with a certain place in each room can remember the information for up to 6 months, while younger children only remember it for about 1 month.

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