Risaralda has grown USD$410 million in exports

by time news

Department Experiences Double-Digit⁣ Growth in First Half of the Year.

Risaralda’s exports continue to show ⁢positive results. According to the latest data from the National Administrative Department ⁤of Statistics‌ (DANE), the department’s ⁣international sales ‍increased by 33.8% in June, resulting in⁢ an increase of 16.7 million FOB ‍dollars. This follows a rise of 49.4 ⁣million FOB​ dollars in 2023 to 66.2 million ⁢FOB dollars in 2024.

While exports grew significantly in January and May ⁤this year, by June 2024, none of the main products in the region’s export basket experienced reductions of more than one million dollars.

Main Products

Avocados stand out ‌among tariff items, with an increase of 6.7 million FOB dollars to 9.7 million dollars FOB. Coffee beans also ⁢saw a significant recovery, rising from 8 million dollars FOB in 2023 ⁢to 14.6 million⁤ dollars FOB in 2024.

Additionally, copper scrap and waste increased by US$3.1 million FOB, while electrical transformers, key export products, grew by US$1.6 million FOB.

First​ Semester

Risaralda’s total exports during⁣ the first half⁣ of 2024 reached US$410.3 million, a remarkable 55.4% increase from US$264⁢ million in ⁢the first half of 2023. This represents ‌an increase of US$146.3 ⁤million and marks a historic record for the department’s international sales in the first half of the year.

Three⁣ tariff items account ​for over 90% of ⁣this growth. Electrical transformers lead the group with an increase of 55.5 million dollars, accounting for ⁣24.8% of exports in the first half of the year.

Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more people experienced the ‍second-largest​ growth, with an additional 50.8 million dollars, becoming the second-largest item in ​terms of share,‌ totaling 84.5 million dollars and ​representing ⁢20.6% of exports in the first half of the year.

The ‌coffee item also saw an increase of 31.2 million ‍dollars, reaching 61.9 million dollars ⁤in the consolidated figure for the first six months of the year.

Main Countries

The United States recorded the ⁢largest growth, ⁣with an increase of 63.5 million dollars FOB, driven by shipments of electrical transformers. Mexico followed closely behind, with ‌an increase of 52.1 million dollars FOB, thanks to exports of motor vehicles for the transport ‍of ten or⁤ more people.

National Decline Continues

The National Association of Foreign Trade (ANALDEX) expressed concern over the figures presented for June 2024, which saw a 5% decline in ⁤exports, primarily due to lower sales abroad of fuels and the mining sector. The decline for the ⁤first half of the year stands at close to 3%.

“I believe this warrants a renewed call⁢ to the Government to take measures ⁢to reactivate the economy,” said Javier Díaz,⁤ president of​ ANALDEX.

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