Rumors Surface about Dev Kit for Nintendo Switch Successor in the Hands of Spanish Studio

by time news

Rumors of Switch Successor Circulate as Dev Kit Allegedly Leaked to Spanish Studio

With the Nintendo Switch’s successor still shrouded in mystery, fans have been eagerly awaiting any details about the highly anticipated console. While concrete information remains scarce, rumors and speculations continue to circulate, leaving enthusiasts to ponder what lies ahead. Today, a new wave of rumors has emerged, sparking excitement among the gaming community.

Three years ago, a leaker by the name of Nash Weedle took to Twitter to share rumors about the return of the beloved Metroid series. Weedle claimed that a new 2D Metroid game was in the works, potentially titled Metroid Dread. As it turns out, Metroid Dread did indeed grace the Switch, lending some credibility to Weedle’s previous leaks.

Fast-forward to 2023, and Weedle has resurfaced once again with intriguing information. According to the leaker, a dev kit for the forthcoming Switch successor has made its way out into the wild. What’s more, the reputed recipient of the dev kit is a Spanish studio.

Coincidentally, fans will recall that MercurySteam, the development team behind Metroid Dread, is situated in Spain. Given the critical acclaim and commercial success of Metroid Dread, it seems plausible that Nintendo would choose to collaborate with MercurySteam once more. Sending an early dev kit to the studio would be a logical move, albeit one that Nintendo would surely want to keep under wraps.

However, it is important to note that all these reports should be taken with a grain of salt, as they are mere rumors and speculative at this stage. Nintendo has yet to confirm any details regarding their upcoming console or potential partnerships.

As fans eagerly await official news from Nintendo, these rumors will undoubtedly continue to fuel discussions and debates online. Excitement for the Switch’s successor continues to grow, as gamers eagerly anticipate the next chapter in Nintendo’s storied history.

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