Russian Ambassador to the US: Washington sanctions will affect ordinary Americans

by time news

Washington’s sanctions imposed on Moscow due to Russia’s recognition of the sovereignty of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DNR and LNR) will hurt global financial and energy markets, which will also affect ordinary Americans. This opinion was expressed by the Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov.

“There is no doubt that the sanctions imposed against us will hurt the global financial and energy markets. The United States will not stand aside either, where ordinary citizens will feel all the consequences of rising prices, ”the press service of the embassy quoted Mr. Antonov as saying on Facebook.

The ambassador stressed that the restrictions imposed against Russia would not force it to reconsider its foreign policy. He also noted that the sanctions imposed on Russia “will not solve anything.”

“It is hard to imagine that anyone in Washington is counting on Russia to revise its foreign policy under the threat of restrictions. I don’t remember a single day when our country lived without any restrictions from the Western world. We have learned to work in such conditions. And not only to survive, but also to develop our state,” the diplomat summed up.

Today, the US Treasury announced the imposition of sanctions against VEB, Promsvyazbank, their subsidiaries, as well as a number of high-ranking officials and Russian sovereign debt. In addition, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and Australia have imposed sanctions on Russia. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline has been completely suspended.

Read more about the sanctions in the Kommersant article “This is the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

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