“Sad”, according to Aboubacar Sanfo of SYNATIC

by time news

2023-11-21 17:00:08

The deputies of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), meeting in plenary session this Tuesday, November 21, 2023 under the chairmanship of Dr. Ousmane Bougouma, president of the ALT, unanimously voted for the organic bill relating to attributions, composition, organization and functioning of the Higher Communication Council (CSC).

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At the end of the vote on the organic bill relating to the attributions, composition, organization and functioning of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, Minister of Communication, welcomed the availability and interest of the deputies of the Assembly legislative transition (ALT). The government spokesperson also recalled what motivated the examination of the preliminary draft.

“What mainly motivated this CSC draft law is above all the government’s desire to provide our country with a body for regulating public communication which has all the capacities, but also which can have the resources necessary to ensure this regulation of the world of communication.

Because we are aware today that the main threats beyond terrorism to our society, to our living together, to our values, to our culture, these threats come today from what we watch on TV, what we listen to on the radio, but also what we have through digital platforms “, he indicated.

For him, the idea was to have a regulatory body capable of dealing with the context that surrounds it. “The main concern was to have an authority that was up to the major challenges of the moment, but also an authority that above all had stability and was no longer subject to repeated crises… We are happy with this outcome this morning,” declared Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo.

If on the government side we are delighted with this adoption, the feeling is however quite different on the side of professional media organizations.

“This day, November 21, 2023, for defenders of freedom of expression and press, it is a sad day like November 19, 2019 when parliament passed the amending law on the penal code. We have witnessed a questioning of democratic achievements regarding freedom of expression and press.

These challenges were denounced at a press conference by professional media organizations a few weeks ago…. Unfortunately we witnessed the adoption this morning by the deputies of this bill”lamented Aboubacar Sanfo, Secretary General (SG) of the Autonomous Union of Information and Culture Workers (SYNATIC).

Also Serge Pacome ZONGO

Burkina 24



#Sad #Aboubacar #Sanfo #SYNATIC

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