Salute, the General States of Psychology in Rome 21-22 June

by time news

2023-06-16 16:42:00

On Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 June in Rome, at the Barberini Cinema Multiplex, the ‘General States of the Psychological Profession’ will be held, organized by the National Council of the Order of Psychologists (Cnop) with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Health. The works will start on Wednesday 21, at 9, with the institutional greetings of the president of the Cnop, David Lazzari, and the interventions of the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, of the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, and of the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Maria Teresa Bellucci. During the two days, entitled ‘The psyche is life’, important representatives of institutions, politics and the world of psychology, health, university and culture will participate.

Numerous international guests: Amanda Clinton, director of international affairs of the American Psychological Association; Christoph Steinebach, president of Efpa – European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations; the psychologist and psychoanalyst Peter Fonagy, executive director of the Anna Freud Center in London, who on Thursday 22 will give a lectio magistralis on some scientific advances in psychology and the application implications. The General States of the psychology profession will be an opportunity for a discussion, not only within the professional community but with society and institutions, on the evolution of psychological needs and possible responses, which calls into question the present but above all the future of the profession . A broad gaze to trace trajectories in a constant dialogue with external interlocutors.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Gemma Calamandrei, director of the Center for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health of the Higher Institute of Health, and the president of the Cnop David Lazzari, will present the ‘White Paper on Scientific Societies in Psychology’.

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