Sberindex recorded a complete recovery of catering after a pandemic

by time news

The consumer activity index in the last week returned to the highs of the year (75.1 points), and the expenses of the Russians turned out to be 6.3% higher than the levels of the last pre-pandemic weeks, the analytical portal of Sberbank notes.

For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, the observers did not record a statistically significant drop in the industry. The growth rate relative to the pre-pandemic period was 6.3%, and such indicators are observed throughout the last month, with the exception of the week between the May holidays (additional non-working days). “We can say that consumer demand has stabilized at a new equilibrium level. For the second week in a row, the volume of spending in the service sector is growing towards the values ​​of the beginning of 2020 (+ 2.2% seasonally adjusted), “Sberindex analysts note.


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