SBS dissolves six savings and credit cooperatives: which were they and why?

by time news

2023-12-15 17:26:34
The SBS ordered the closure of these five cooperatives that have operations in different regions of Peru. – Composition Credit Infobae/Andina/Radio Onda Azul

The Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) has ordered this Friday, December 15 in the official newspaper El Peruano the closure of five savings and credit cooperatives (coopac). As is known, this institution has been supervising these financial entities since 2019 and given the lack of supervision it had before, the superintendency has since been closing different cooperatives for different reasons.

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Now, shortly before the end of 2023, the SBS, in addition to including five more savings and credit cooperatives to the list of dissolved entities, has subjected one more to an intervention regime. What are they and why have these measures been taken?

SBS continues to supervise these companies throughout Peru. – Infobae/Andina/Diffusion Composition Credit

As reported in the official newspaper El Peruano, the SBS has ordered the closure of five savings and credit cooperatives in resolutions issued by María del Socorro Heysen Zegarra, superintendent of Banking, Insurance and AFP. This is the list of the entities that were closed:

Globalcoop Ltda Savings and Credit Cooperative (SBS Resolution No. 04131-2023) Lurín Perú Savings and Credit Cooperative (SBS Resolution No. 04132-2023) Riquezas de Cajamarca Savings and Credit Cooperative (SBS Resolution No. 04134-2023) Cooperative of Savings and Credit Financenter (SBS Resolution No. 04135-2023) Savings and Credit Cooperative Welfare, Development and Life Consulting (SBS Resolution No. 04136-2023)

Likewise, one of these coopac was subjected to an intervention regime:

Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Bienestar Perú Ltda (SBS Resolution No. 04133-2023)The SBS has dissolved more than 100 cooperatives since 2020 – Credit Composition Infobae/SBS/Universidad de Piura

The SBS has ordered the closure of the cooperatives mentioned above for a common reason, which is because they are inactive. These entities, which will now be excluded from the National Registry of Savings and Credit Cooperatives Not Authorized to Raise Resources from the Public, did not send their financial statements to the supervisory entity or did not have operational premises. This is how their assets were found and these were the reasons why each one had to be closed, as detailed in the resolutions in the official newspaper El Peruano:

Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Globalcoop Ltda, at the time of its registration, had assets of S/3,673,646.00 The coopac did not comply with submitting its financial statements corresponding to the periods between March 2023 and September 2023. Cooperativa de Ahorro and Crédito Lurín Perú, at the time of its registration, had assets of S/18,500.00. The coopac did not comply with submitting its financial statements corresponding to the periods between September 2021 and September 2023. Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Bienestar, Desarrollo y Asesoría Vida, at the time of its registration, had assets of S/687,146.00. The coopac did not comply with submitting its financial statements corresponding to the periods between December 2022 and September 2023. Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Riquezas de Cajamarca: the SBS was able to verify that this entity closed its main premises, without notifying the superintendency, for a period of fifteen continuous days.Financenter Savings and Credit Cooperative: the SBS was able to verify that this entity closed its main premises, without notifying the superintendency, for a period of fifteen continuous days.SBS declared the dissolution of five savings cooperatives and credit. – Andina Credit

In the case of the cooperative that was intervened by the SBS, Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Bienestar Perú Ltda, it was found that it incurred the cause of total loss of social capital and the cooperative reserve, given that when the coopac sent its statements financial in July 2023 it reported a negative equity of S/1,134,803.56. Likewise, in the supervision of the SBS, the entity identified “deficiencies whose regularization requires the execution of accounting adjustments that affect various financial items, with a negative impact on the equity accounts of the coopac.”

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However, the deadline given for these adjustments expired and no new subsequent financial information was sent, so the SBS decided to intervene.

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