Science Thousand | Dynamics

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To protect the climate

Reducing carbon emissions alone is not enough to curb catastrophic climate change and control further warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius. A study by Georgetown University in the United States has suggested that the release of other gases such as methane and nitrous oxide, which are warming the earth, should also be reduced. They warn that if we focus only on reducing carbon dioxide levels, temperatures could exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2035.

Information mining

Peace Corps Specialist

The purpose of the UN peacekeeping mission is to maintain peace in a dangerous environment in the world, including war and violence. May 29 is International UN Day for Peacekeepers in recognition of their service. ‘People, Peace, Progress: The Strength of the Federation’ is the central theme this year. It was created in 1945. There are players from many countries including India. They have been involved in peacekeeping operations in many wars, including in Congo, Somalia and Rwanda.

To protect the climate To prevent catastrophic climate change, to control the additional rise in temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius, only to reduce the carbon emissions

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