Scientists have voiced seven signs of the onset of “alcoholic Alzheimer”

by time news

People who abuse alcohol are at risk of developing dementia as early as between the ages of 40 and 50. Doctors from the charity Alzheimer’s Society noted that brain scans show a shrunken frontal lobe.

According to the Daily Express, experts have named seven signs of the approaching “alcoholic Alzheimer”. One of them is the inability to focus on the task at hand. The second identified difficulties with problem solving, as well as planning and organization.

Experts argue that it is important to pay attention to the failure to set a goal, as well as to make the necessary decision. A fourth sign may be a lack of motivation to take action, including nutrition and water intake. The fifth sign is that the person understands less how other people think or feel, and also experiences emotional instability more often. This is manifested by outbursts of irritability or indifferent behavior.

The sixth symptom was memory problems. The person can no longer accept new information, and can also quickly forget the details of the conversation. The seventh sign is mood instability. It can range between apathy, depression, or irritability.

Meanwhile, alcohol-related dementia, unlike Alzheimer’s, may stop progressing over time. This will only happen if the person with alcoholic dementia stops drinking alcohol. In this case, partial or complete recovery is also possible.

Previously published research data, according to which the use of alcohol in any amount is harmful to the brain. A UK study of tens of thousands of people found that even moderate drinking is associated with lower gray matter density.

Read the material “The amount of alcohol hazardous to the brain is named”


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