Search for the path of San José de la Zorra, publicize Kumiai customs and roots | Tijuana News

by time news

Rosarito, BC- Knowing the customs and roots of the Kumiai community settled in Rosarito is the attraction of the new path of San José de la Zorra, that opens to tourism in a 1.6 kilometer route.

César Rivera González, president of Cotuco, explained that this trail called Mat Kiñush, which means Tierra Bonita, was opened last weekend and is endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and it is the third in the State that is inaugurated with this new approval system, and that is interpretative.

He explained that it will be the same inhabitants of the community of San José de la Zorra who will be the tourist guides, where the plants of the place will be made known, it also has historical points and they will have the opportunity to acquire the local products, additional to the ceremonies and rituals practiced by the kumiai community along nine points, which consists of the route.

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He added that this area is also popular for camping, but now it will be open again. official way and you can enter through the La Misión area or from the El Porvenir side of Ensenada.

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Rivera González, explained that they are already working on the signage on the side of La Misión, since in El Porvenir they already have it, but they want to give Greater relevance on the road that belongs to Rosarito.

He added that the trail is open every day from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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This trail is the third in the State explained, since with the new strategy of trail technicians, one is in Cerro del Coronel, Las Abuelas, in the municipality of Tecate and the most recent in San José de la Zorra.

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