Sebastiano Bianchi is alive, Legnano Basket player returns home

by time news

Sebastiano Bianchi is alive, he’s back home and he’s fine. The 29-year-old basketball player, Legnano Knights winger, was missing on Sunday. Yesterday the appeal to ‘Who saw it’ from his teammates: “We are your second family, your place in the locker room is there and we just want you to come back.” A little while ago the message on Facebook from the basketball player’s brother, Mattia Bianchi: “Seba is alive”. “Obviously the joy is immense and obscures any other feeling and concern for the future – we read in the post – Now begins an uphill road but we know that SEBA IS ALIVE and that he has and will have many people around him who they love and cheer so that, in some way, it can go on “. “On the other hand, I can only thank you all from my heart for your sincere affection and, despite the enthusiasm and the legitimate desire to know what has happened, ask you to respect the intimacy of my family in a moment, however, very complicated”, Mattia writes again.

Bianchi “came home”, he “came back in the night, confused by what happened”. Legnano Basket Knights also broke the news on its website. “During the night the best news we had hoped to give for hours arrived: Sebastiano Bianchi is back home – continues the same company – Psychologically disoriented and frightened, he returned home spontaneously after hearing the team’s call to ‘Who did you see it? ‘ We are very happy that this circumstance that has shaken our whole environment and that of basketball in general has been resolved in the best possible way. “

“We thank all the fans and people who have shown solidarity and affection for Sebastiano (to whom we will report all the messages) and for us as a club and team; today we have achieved one of the most important victories ever”, he concludes.

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