Senegal: The presidential election postponed at the last minute by Macky Sall – 2024-02-13 06:13:59

by times news cr

2024-02-13 06:13:59

Thunderbolt on the Senegalese political scene. This Saturday, February 3, three weeks before the first round initially scheduled for February 25, President Macky Sall announced in person the postponement of the vote. An earthquake, a few hours before the opening of the electoral campaign. Explanations.

A decision that fell like a cleaver

It was through an impromptu televised speech that Head of State Macky Sall made the news official, taking everyone by surprise. “I have decided to postpone the presidential election of February 25, 2023 » he laconically declared, without clearly specifying the exact reasons.

One thing is certain, barely 36 days before the first round, such a postponement of the major election in Senegalese political life has the value of an earthquake in the country considered a regional democratic model. Especially since 20 candidates had been validated by the Constitutional Council for this deadline which has now been postponed by 5 weeks.

Wade at the heart of tensions

To understand this twist of events, we must look at an event that occurred a few days earlier. On January 17, the Constitutional Council had in fact invalidated the candidacy for a third term of Karim Wade, son of former president Abdoulaye Wade. Reason: the latter’s dual Senegalese and French nationality, deemed incompatible.

A decision experienced as an injustice by the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS), because it de facto prevented Karim Wade from taking revenge on the 2019 presidential election lost to Macky Sall in an already stormy context. Hence the escalation that followed between the two camps. From there to speak of “ stratagem » to exclude a serious challenger? Karim Wade’s supporters cry ” electoral hold-up.”

Towards a possible renunciation of Macky Sall?

Regardless, this surprise postponement has the effect of a bomb a few hours before the opening of the electoral campaign, while the opposition was preparing to do battle with the outgoing president at the polls. A real question now arises: will Macky Sall take advantage of this additional time to finally give up, under pressure, on having his partner run for a controversial third term?

By Francis NDONG for

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