Serbia negotiates to launch production of Sputnik Light vaccine

by time news

The Serbian Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums “Torlak” is in talks with the Russian Center named after Gamaleya on the establishment of the production of a single-component vaccine “Sputnik Light” in Serbia, said the director of the Serbian institute Vera Stoilkovic in an interview with local media.

“We are negotiating with the Gamaleya Center on the production of Sputnik Light. If the state fulfills its promise to invest 20 million euros, in addition to the 18 million euros that we already receive, we could produce this vaccine from start to finish in Torlak, ”Stoilkovich said (quoted by TASS).

Prior to that, the Serbian government announced its intention to sign an agreement with Russia for the supply of 1 million doses of Sputnik Light, and the country is also interested in organizing the production of a nasal form of the Sputnik V vaccine.

Serbia already produces on its territory the two-component vaccine “Sputnik V”, it became one of the first foreign countries to approve the use of this drug on its territory.

Sputnik Light is the first component of the Sputnik V vaccine. According to the vaccine manufacturer, the Gamaleya Center, when used alone, the vaccine is 70% effective against the “delta” variant of coronavirus within three months after vaccination. The data were obtained on the basis of a single vaccination of 28,000 people in Moscow.


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