Sergei Puskepalis was buried in Zheleznovodsk: the son cried, the wife fell on the coffin

by time news

The hall was literally buried in flowers and wreaths.

Honored Artist of Russia, film director and artistic director of the Yaroslavl Theater. Volkov was buried at the city cemetery of Zheleznovodsk next to his parents.

A funeral service for Sergei Puskepalis, who died in a terrible car accident, began at 10 am in the city Palace of Culture of Zheleznovodsk. The coffin with the body of the deceased, installed on the stage of the Palace of Culture, was literally buried in flowers and wreaths from fans, theater lovers, city labor collectives and organizations. On the screen, the scenes broadcast photographs from the filming of the most famous films with the participation of the actor, whose life was tragically cut short on September 20 on a highway in a car accident near Rostov-Veliky, and pictures from the personal archive.

Not only local residents came to say goodbye to the actor, but also fans who specially arrived from the nearest cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The hall was literally buried in flowers and wreaths: from fans, theater lovers, city labor collectives. People went to the farewell ceremony in an endless stream for several hours. Someone said goodbye, left flowers and left, someone else remained in the hall for a long time and silently saw off their favorite artist. Many Zheleznovodsk residents, personally acquainted with the deceased, could not hold back their tears.

Many kind words were said by the heads of the cities of Zheleznovodsk and Kislovodsk, with whom the actor was associated with the organization of film festivals in the CMS. “I still don’t believe that Sergei is no more,” Yevgeny Bakulin, the head of Zheleznovodsk, crumples his face into a handkerchief. “For our city, he was… He was a real hero of our time. Such a message was during the first film festival “Hero and Time”. Sergey is the real hero of our time. Unfortunately, we managed to hold only one film festival. I’m sorry, I can’t say more…”

Many speakers noted that Sergei Puskepalis was, as they say, “head over heels” in love with Zheleznovodsk. Here the actor lived, went to school. At one time, in an interview, he noted that “you can work in Moscow, but you have to live with a view of the mountains.”

After the completion of the civil service. According to a long theatrical tradition, the Zheleznovodsk residents saw off the actor and director with applause on their last journey. And the coffin with the body of Sergei Puskepalis was carried out in a silent procession, stretching for tens of meters, to the mourning accompaniment of the orchestra of the headquarters of the North Caucasian District of the Russian Guard.

Photo source: administration of the city of Zheleznovodsk

At the cemetery, after the farewell was completed, the flag that covered the coffin was handed over to the actor’s wife, Elena. The actor’s widow held out to the last, and only before the burial she rushed to hug the closed coffin. Son Gleb did not hold back tears.

After the coffin was lowered into the ground, a volley of weapons sounded three times, and the orchestra played the anthem of the Russian Federation. Sergei Vytauto Puskepalis was buried next to the graves of his parents.

One of the issues on the agenda of the meetings of the Duma of Zheleznovodsk is the renaming of the city’s Palace of Culture into the Palace of Culture named after Sergei Puskepalis.

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