Sharp Increase in Flu-Like and Covid Infections in Carinthia: Medical Practitioner’s Perspective and Statistics

by time news

2023-11-30 07:00:00
Health Crisis: Sharp Increase in Flu-Like Infections and Covid-19 Cases in Carinthia

Carinthia, Austria – The region of Carinthia is currently facing a serious health crisis, with a sharp increase in flu-like infections and Covid-19 cases. General practitioner Maria Korak-Leiter has reported that three out of four corona tests on her symptomatic patients are currently coming back positive. These experiences are reflected in the statistics of the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK), which show a significant increase in sick days, especially with flu-like infections and Covid-19.

In the last week, 14,938 people reported sick in Carinthia, with 4,343 suffering from flu-like infections and 1,284 testing positive for Covid-19. This is particularly concerning considering that Covid-19 is no longer a reportable disease, meaning that fewer tests are being carried out. Korak-Leiter believes that the number of unreported cases is much higher than the confirmed figures.

The number of sick leaves has risen rapidly in Carinthia in recent weeks, reaching a provisional high for 2023. The situation is expected to worsen, with only 15 cases of “real flu” currently reported in the region.

In addition to the impact on healthcare, infectious diseases are also affecting schools, with 13 percent of educators currently absent and 8.5 percent specifically due to illnesses. Despite the high levels of absenteeism, there are no measures such as closed classes, Covid tests, or mask requirements in schools.

Wastewater monitoring has shown a significant increase in the excretion of SARS-Cov-2 virus particles, indicating a surge in future infection rates. This alarming trend comes despite experts’ predictions that the numbers would fall.

Health officer Beate Prettner has urged the public to take advantage of vaccination options in addition to hygiene measures, as the current vaccine has been shown to work effectively against the Pirola variant responsible for the increase in cases. However, there will be no corresponding general regulations in the state, and it will be the responsibility of sick or nursing facilities to order measures such as compulsory masks or testing if necessary.

As Carinthia grapples with a surge in infectious diseases, health officials and practitioners are urging the public to take proactive measures to protect themselves and others, including getting vaccinated and adhering to hygiene protocols.]
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