shocking collapse of the dome of a mosque in Indonesia

by time news

It occurred after a large fire in the temple. Local police confirmed that there were no injuries in the incident.

A dome of the great mosque of the Islamic Center of Jakarta, in Indonesia, collapsed due to fire and the images generated a big shock due to the impact it generated.

The incident occurred this Wednesday, around 3:00 p.m. (local time) when the fire began to gain intensity and reached the highest part of the temple. The videos were captured by passers-by who managed to record the moment when the dome finally collapsed.

At least 10 fire trucks were immediately dispatched to the scene, CNN Indonesia reported, but they were unable to avert the disaster. Meanwhile, the local police which confirmed that there were no injuries In the incident, he investigates the cause and questioned four workers from the contracting company in charge of the modifications that were carried out in the temple.

Several social media users shared recordings of the moment of collapse. One of them, @AdnanZulfickar, said on his Twitter profile: “For God’s sake, the Islamic Center fire dome, please help.”

The images showed the flames next to a huge ball of gray smoke that enveloped the dome, just before it collapsed in a matter of seconds.

The fall of the structure was caused during the restoration work of the same building. The first hypotheses indicate that, apparently, it was negligence on the part of a group of workers who were welding a structure very close to flammable material.

The mosque was not just a building in the Jakarta Islamic Center complex. It is also home to educational, commercial and research facilities, the Russian news agency RT reported.


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