Signs that may indicate to parents that their child has depression

by time news

According to data from a survey carried out last year by Unicef ​​Spain with the University of Santiago, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, approximately 15% of Spanish adolescents have “severe or moderately severe” symptoms of depression. In addition, the results of the same survey, carried out on a sample of 40,000 Spanish adolescents, place suicidal ideation at 10.8%.

Despite the fact that this problem is increasingly present among young people, only a very small proportion receive adequate treatment. For the experts of Resort Ginso – an association that promotes mental health and social integration for minors and young people- this is mainly due to the fact that depression in adolescents does not show the same symptoms or signs as in adults, and therefore, “many times it remains masked and It is not detected.”

Specialists explain that the origin of depression in minors can be very diverse and be related to different factors, both biological (family history with depression, genetic alterations or hormonal changes) such as psychological (low self-esteem, ruminative cognitive style, deficits in social skills or a tendency to experience negative emotional states) or events external (stressful situations in the lives of minors; traumatic events; school problems; political, economic or war crises).

However, with proper early intervention and treatment appropriate, these young people are capable of living normally and coping with the disease. “Currently, thanks to various scientific advances, treatment for depression is very effective. Offering young people a safe space where they can express their difficulties and emotions without feeling judged, and having the help of psychotherapists and pharmacology, if necessary, will allow the minor to overcome depression and in the future rework that experience, endowing them with of great maturity and realistic expectations”, explains Beatriz Urradeputy clinical director of the Recurra Ginso Retirement Day Hospital.

The expert collects six signs that may indicate to parents that their child is experiencing depression:

Low mood or sadness

“If the young person is down or sad for a long period of time, it is convenient to communicate with him and listen to him without issuing judgments or advice, giving him a space to listen and showing support so that he can explain his feelings,” he advises.

Extreme irritability or hostility

The specialist explains that when the minor presents aggressive or hostile behaviors, clear and firm limits must be established, and destructive behavior must be rejected in a friendly way. “Validating her emotions and encouraging the child to express her anger appropriately, setting an example and not reacting in the same way.”

Masked depression manifests mainly with physiological symptoms such as headache.

Low self-esteem and self-criticism

The proliferation of critical or derogatory comments from the boy or girl towards himself on a continuous basis may be related to the onset of depression. “In these cases, it is recommended that parents praise their children frequently, accentuating the positive in an understanding way and pointing out negative thoughts so that they are aware of them.”

Frustration at your mistakes

If the child blames himself for his mistakes or gets frustrated easily, parents can teach him to distinguish between events that he can control and those that he cannot “make it easier for him to begin to learn from mistakes and find solutions.”

Little interest in activities you used to enjoy

When the child stops showing interest in activities that he used to like, the expert advises “talking to him to find out the cause of the change and preparing interesting activities or special events to restore that illusion.”

Lack of energy

Children with depression often feel tired or have low energy levels. “It is essential to go to the doctor to carry out tests and a medical examination, in order to find the etiology,” says Urra. In addition, to favor the youngster’s mood, parents can establish a consistent bedtime, encourage relaxing activities such as reading or listening to music, and make sure that the child’s diet is healthy.

Other signs that show a possible depression in the young person would be: thoughts or expressions about death; absences from school or decrease in school performance; sudden mood swings; or withdrawal, isolation, and a desire to be alone.

The expert assures that in order to identify all these signs, listening and support from those closest to minors and the help of professionals are necessary. “An adequate intervention by specialists and the support and accompaniment of family members during the process significantly reduce the aggravating factors of depression in children and adolescents,” adds Beatriz Urra.

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