“Smallpox” is getting stronger. Doctors reveal that there is an HIV epidemic. Total cases around the world are close to 20,000.

by time news

(28 July 2022) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teera Woratanarat or “Doctor Thira” Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University give information about smallpox monkey stating that if you look at the mapscourge will clearly understand spread all over the world and cause the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency

“Doctor Thira” indicate the nature of the infection infect come in line withHIV HIV Many decades ago, althoughsmallpox monkeywill be attached mainly through touch But it was mostly associated with sexual activity in specific groups such as gay, bisexual, etc.

current academic evidence The genetic material of the virus was detected.smallpox monkeyIn other sources besides skin pustules such as sperm, blood, urine, etc., which need to be careful and monitor whether it can contribute to the spread of infection in real life or not.

disease prevention policy and monitoring system as well as notifying the public in a timely manner is therefore of paramount importance. Otherwise, if you escape There is a continuous transmission of the disease in the community. will have a chance to see an outbreak likeHIVin the past

people at risk including people in the service industry that requires close contact be careful Be sure to notice any abnormalities. both of others and oneself If in doubt, consult a doctor immediately. And now the total cases around the world are approaching 20,000. The rate of increase is still ongoing.

outbreak of "smallpox monkey"

While the results of the study were led by researchers from Queen Mary University of London. published in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 21, found that patientssmallpox monkey Up to 95 percent are infected through sexual activity.

such research study the infectionsmallpox monkeyThere were 528 confirmed cases from 16 countries in the period between April 27 and June 24, 2022. It also found that 98 percent of the total number of cases was confirmed. are gay men orhomosexual Of these, 41 percent were infected.HIV while the average age was 38 years.

The study also found that The average sex partner ofInfected personIn the last 3 months, there were 5 patients, while one third of all patients Traveling to different places and having sex, such as parties and saunas, during the past month.

The research team emphasized that smallpox monkeyIt’s not an infection through sex. but can be infected through close contact. They can also be infected through droplets, through the respiratory tract, through clothing and other surfaces as well. shows that most of the epidemic related to sexual activity and most but not all Happens to men who have sex with men.

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