SOGEMAB strengthens the capacities of health stakeholders in equipment management

by time news

2023-10-28 13:18:08

As part of the implementation of its 2023 maintenance campaign for the benefit of medical centers with surgical antenna (CMA), the Biomedical Equipment and Maintenance Management Company (SOGEMAB) organized training for the benefit of users of the said CMAs, in Ziniaré. This training session had its epilogue on Friday October 27, 2023.

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« 50% of equipment breakdowns are caused by the user », lamented Doctor Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Nao, general director of the Biomedical Equipment and Maintenance Management Company (SOGEMAB).

It is in view of this situation that the Society for Management of Biomedical Equipment and Maintenance (SOGEMAB), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, initiated this training session. place of health actors, in order to strengthen their capacities in the use of different machines.

Doctor Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Nao, general director of the Biomedical Equipment and Maintenance Management Company (SOGEMAB)

« It is a training which aims to allow users to know their equipment in depth, which will allow them to be equipped to maintain this equipment, which will make it possible to increase the lifespan of this equipment for the well-being of be one of our patients », Supported the Director General of SOGEMAB.

The 4th of its kind, this training session brought together around forty participants from the four sides of Burkina Faso, over five days. For the beneficiaries, it was with great satisfaction that they took part in this training. They emerge quite equipped, and say they are ready to put their experiences to the service of patients.

Wendkuni Prisca Bineta Kafando, health assistant in anesthesia and resuscitation

« During the 5 days, I personally learned a lot about the operation of a certain number of devices, for example the monitor which is used in the operating room to monitor the vital parameters of our patients. It also allowed us to understand that proper use of this equipment and good maintenance could increase the lifespan of this equipment, and at the same time improve the care of our patients. », Testified Wendkuni Prisca Bineta Kafando, health assistant in anesthesia and resuscitation.

It’s up to Michel Combari, surgical health attaché in service at the CMA of Kossodo to play the same trumpet. Having benefited from this series of training, he wanted this training session to be extended to all health actors, in order to be more effective in the field.

Michel Combari, surgical health assistant in service at the CMA of Kossodo

« We are proud of this training, and we would like this training to be extended to other colleagues who were not able to attend, because there are only around forty participants across the CMAs in this country. We know that in the CMAs there are a lot of agents. So the plea is to extend to other actors who have not been trained », pleaded Michel Combari.

As a reminder, the Biomedical Equipment and Maintenance Management Company (SOGEMAB) is a state company born from the government’s desire to outsource its prerogatives in terms of biomedical equipment and maintenance with a view to obtain better performance. Its missions include the acquisition, installation and commissioning of medical-technical and hospital equipment, training and retraining of human resources.

Sié Frédéric KAMBOU

Burkina 24



#SOGEMAB #strengthens #capacities #health #stakeholders #equipment #management

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