Some individual trees grow! | Short Story | My Vikatan | My Vikatan short story about farmer

by time news

There are many ways to spoil a single person. They gave a daughter to Devarajan because he lived without getting old for all the great things that cannot be called Madhu and Madhu. After the money came, all the relatives ran and clung to each other.

He crawled like a solitary tree. You can’t borrow money from someone. did not buy He himself set a limit for him, ‘No matter who the chess king is, that king does not descend beyond the chess board, does he?!’ Today, his four children are in a good condition because he did not go down like that and kept himself alive.

Today, in his late eighties, he is undergoing medical treatment. Arumugam, who went to comfort him, took all this to him and said, ‘That’s why you are disciplined and have children! You, who were a solitary tree, with your branches called your children, and calves called your grandchildren, are not a solitary tree today, but flourishing like a grove. You are the ‘lone tree is no grove!’ He was the first man to defeat the proverb.

Your truth and honesty have elevated you to the lofty position of a grove and not a solitary tree!’ After speaking encouragingly, getting sick is something that happens to all old people. But some of those who come to see you say, ‘You talk like you’re going crazy. They can behave, that’s all they deserve. Don’t see it all!’ But understand that behind it all lies jealousy and rivalry towards you. Don’t give up!’ Arumugam said.

Some people don’t know how to support their patients. But Arumuga’s patronizing speech emboldened Devarajan. Revived Thek.

This does not happen to everyone! ‘Individual morality is ‘self-determination’. Even when there is no one to watch over one, one’s persistence is the seed of success. This individual morality is high. Individual discipline is the fertilizer that sustains a grove of individual trees.

Not all trees are groves. He who keeps personal discipline grows like a grove and a garden.

-Valarkavi, Coimbatore

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