Sophie Auster: “Trump doesn’t stop making slips”

by time news

2023-10-20 18:30:59

Sophie Auster, the daughter of writers Paul Auster and Siri Hustvedt, begins to leave behind the shadow of her parents to become a personality with her own name as a singer, actress and model. This Sunday he presents the songs of his next workMilk for ulcersin the Girona Auditorium, as part of the High Season programme.

What have you prepared for the concert?

It will be an intimate concert, a unique opportunity to listen to my new songs for the first time. My good friend Marie Davy will accompany me on the piano.

He arrives with a new disc under his arm. What musical styles does a Milk for ulcers?

It’s a songwriter/singer record in the purest sense of the word. Influences range from folk, soul and alternative music.

We are in front of some lyrics that seem to translate what they have experienced recently with their family: the death of their brother Daniel two weeks after being accused of the murder of their 10-month-old daughter and the cancer diagnosed in the father , the writer Paul Auster.

Yes, there is no doubt that everything that has happened around my family has influenced me a lot to write this record. I think songwriting can become a cathartic experience.

Does writing from pain help heal wounds?

Think so. We find our ways through pain. I’m a person who needs to channel their emotions into something productive, to keep me busy, and making music is the best way to deal with traumatic episodes.

What have been the main obstacles you have had to overcome throughout your musical career?

I think the biggest obstacle is trying to avoid, and this is advice for someone starting out, not losing your voice in the studio. It’s very intimidating when producers who have a lot more experience than you (and sometimes with a few Grammys behind them) don’t listen to you. Inevitably you end up doing things you don’t recognize artistically speaking, and you have to start from scratch again. It has happened to me more than once, I regret it.

Any industry is complicated for a woman. Does the musical see steps forward?

I think that even today and at this time there is a lot of posturing with the issue of equal rights. Progress is being made in the right direction, but there is still a long way to go.

He was upset by the hate that the song’s release generated on social media No country for orange menreferring to Trump?

No! If you like Donald Trump, I love that you don’t like the song.

Are you sleep deprived that Trump is back in the presidency?

Trump keeps making slips. I am optimistic and believe that he will not be re-elected.

Does she feel loved in the world of music?

I’ve been very independent for almost my entire career, which gives me more power and control over the situation. I try to surround myself with people who respect me and my work, and not worry about people trying to bring you down, either musically or personally.

Do you compose with the audience in mind?

No, I have to like it. Many times the most personal things can be the most universal.

Is she as comfortable on stage as she is on a film set?

I feel more comfortable on stage than on a film set. On a set there are many more obstacles to work on than on a stage, a live concert.

What is your first musical memory?

I will see The magic flute of Ingmar Bergman with my parents, and also listening to Tom Waits in our dining room.

#Sophie #Auster #Trump #doesnt #stop #making #slips

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