‘Sponge bombs’, Israel’s new secret weapon for Hamas tunnels

by time news

2023-10-27 10:24:07

Las Defense Forces Israel (FDI) have been testing the new ones “sponge bombs” As they fight across the web tunnels of Hamas, low Gaza. This new weapon does not contain explosives, but creates a sudden explosion of foam that expands rapidly and then hardens.

These bombs would avoid that the soldiers suffered ambushes As they move deeper into the network, sealing the gaps through which Hamas could attack.

Handling the “sponge bomb” has high risks and some Israeli soldiers they would have lost the vista due to poor management of the mixture that composes it.

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In these tunnels is where a bloody battle between the troops of both sides. This network is known as the “Gaza Metro” and is hundreds of kilometers long. .

Many spread under civil structureswith entry and exit points in homes and other non-military buildings, making it extremely difficult for Israel to attack them.

Others, however, have electricity, water and ventilation and are used as command centers and rest stations, weapons storage, infiltration into Israel, and routes to secret rocket launch sites.

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