Sport and disability: how do these champions prepare?

by time news

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On the occasion of the Paralympic Games which took place in Beijing from March 4 to 13, and a few weeks after the European wheelchair rugby championship which took place from February 22 to 26 at the Halle Carpentier in Paris, we are talking disabled sports.

Sports activity, when one has a disability, can be beneficial to health, facilitate social integration and represent a space of solidarity and hope. The Paralympic Games are an example of this, but the practice is not always simple: it requires specific supervision and suitable equipment, which is not always easy to access.

How do these champions prepare physically and psychologically? Health priority gives the floor to top athletes to try to understand the drivers of performance.

  • Mary Delaunay, president of Nanterre Foot Armchair. And teacher in adapted physical activity in her club.
  • Arnaud Assoumanifive-time Paralympic medalist (Gold in long jump in 2008).
  • Abraham Sebianepractice the Nanterre wheelchair footballsuffering from brittle bone disease.
Our guests in the studio, Brahim Sebiane, wheelchair football player in the Nanterre Foot Chair association, and Mary Delaunay, president of the club and teacher in adapted physical activity. © RFI/Louise Caledec

At the end of the showwe find the nutrition of Stephane Besanconnutritionist and director of Diabetes Health NGO in Bamako, Mali.

► All chronicles are accessible here.

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